Jim, you are so hot…

NewtonsI was walking past a booth at the Bloomsday Trade Show recently when a salesperson said, “Jim, you need to try some Newtons.”

It was Nicole Lund, the same person who got me wearing capes. I pretended not to hear and continued on. I didn’t want her to know that the huge trash bag I had was filled with more free donut holes and frosted animal cookies from the Franz Bakery booth than anyone has ever helped themselves to.

“Come on, Jim,” she said again. “You’ll love the Newtons. Set that giant bag of cookies and donuts in the corner.”

As she laced up the shoes, I asked if Newtons are named after that Las Vegas singer, Wayne Newton. Nicole said they’re named after him, Sir Isaac Newton, and those delicious treats, Fig Newtons.

“How can they be named after three completely different things? Is that really true?”

“Yes, google it. Now give those a try.”

I ran down the corridor. Three people took pictures of me. When I ran back, three more camera flashes went off. I liked the bright color of the Newtons, and I thought they looked really good on me, but I had no idea that six people would be so struck that they’d snap photos of me doing a test run. When I told Nicole, she patted me on the shoulder. “Jim, you are so hot in those shoes, but you set off the security cameras.”

Nicole introduced me to Jack McPheron, the Newton sales rep. I asked if Newton would sponsor me at Bloomsday. Jack said I looked like a fast runner, but unfortunately, shoe companies tend to sponsor elite runners. When I pointed out my charisma could generate more sales than an elite runner, Nicole supported me, mentioning the time I told a joke that made people really laugh.

Nicole Lund and Jack McPheron at the Newton booth

Nicole Lund and Jack McPheron at the Newton booth

Jack thanked me for trying out the Newtons, and as I left the convention center, my trash bag of donut holes and animal cookies slung over my shoulder, I saw a billboard across the street. If Newton decides to send me a contract, I figured I’d soon be on it.

Runner Accidentally Channels Prefontaine

When Brendan Dowling immersed himself in Steve Prefontaineism by dressing, thinking, and acting like him, he had no idea he’d start running like him.

Steve Prefontaine, considered by many the most talented American runner ever, ran in only one Olympic Games. He died in a 1975 car crash at age 24.

Steve Prefontaine

Steve Prefontaine

Brendan Dowling at Bloomsday

Brendan Dowling

Dowling styled his hair like Pre, bought an Oregon track outfit, and lived his life as if he were Pre in honor of the running legend.

It didn’t take long for Dowling’s running to improve remarkably. He was able to run much faster in workouts. His race times began approaching Olympic standards. He was invited to major meets, and like Pre, won over the crowd, as well as the race. His best times became amazingly similar to Pre’s. Below is a comparison.

Dowling before becoming Pre              Prefontaine         Dowling after becoming Pre

10,000m          Too far to run                   27:46.6              27:45.8

5,000m               21:43                            13:21.8              13:21.2

Mile                     6:18                                3:54.6                3:54.9

Olympics     Watched on TV             5000m-4th place    5000m-4th place

Dowling, sad and glum

A sad and glum Dowling.

But alas, after his 4th place Olympic finish in the 2012 games, Dowling let slip how his superb running performance was caused by adopting Steve Prefontaine’s identity. Other runners immediately jumped on the bandwagon.

Dowling’s performance immediately nosedived. Still much better runners than before, Dowling and all the copycats could not approach Pre’s times because too many people were channeling his immense talent and diluting it.

Saddened by his status of former running star, Dowling hopes that the next running superstar to emerge will just happen to look almost exactly like himself.

I threaten Petra for Speeding

Usually I don’t include tree-climbing in my workouts. However, yesterday, I was wearing my lightest, nylon cape and running along at a pretty good clip when a big gust of wind hit. My cape blew into a tree. It was just out of reach, so I had to climb the tree.

As I was wondering if the branch I needed to walk on was strong enough to hold me, I saw Petra running. As she passed by, I said in my best computer-generated voice, “Speed limit 25. Slow down immediately.”

She stopped and looked around. It took her a couple seconds to spot me in the tree. “What are you doing?” she laughed, coming over.

I explained the situation, and asked if she knew of a reputable cape retrieval company. She said she didn’t, but knew of an ambulance service that responds quickly to tree-climbing accidents.

I got my cape and climbed down.

“You know what’s weird,” Petra said. “You’re the third person I’ve seen in a tree during my run today.”

“The first two must have been kids,” I said.

“No, they were adults. But they weren’t trying to get something like you.”

“That is odd,” I replied.

“I agree. Anyway, have fun on the rest of your run, Jim. Hope that cape stays on,” Petra said.

“Thanks, me too.” I put my hand out and we shook. Our grasp lasted longer than a normal handshake. Then my hand slid slowly past hers until we ended with a fingertip grasp. Her Wonderfulness began running and I just stood there watching. Halfway down the block, she glanced back. I didn’t even care that she caught me staring hypnotically. I gave her a wave.

I am so moved by her. To be at her side would be the greatest thing to happen to me.

No Cheese for 50,000 Bloomsday Runners

Bloomsday Start

2013 Bloomsday Start – Downtown Spokane, WA

This morning I ran in the Bloomsday Run in Spokane, the nation’s second largest run by number of timed finishers. I watched Olympic marathon gold medalist Frank Shorter win the very first run in 1977. In third place was Don Kardong, the Bloomsday race founder, who finished fourth in the 1976 Olympic marathon behind Shorter. He’s currently the Bloomsday race director.

Don Kardong leading Steve Prefontaine in a 1970 race. (Courtesy of Creative Commons)

Don Kardong leading Steve Prefontaine in a 1970 race. (Photo credit: Creative Commons)

The idea for Bloomsday was hatched by Don Kardong the same day as a long line of people were waiting at the Spokane YMCA for handouts of surplus cheese on a cold November morning in 1976, which the United States Department of Agriculture arranged frequently back then.

As the time neared for the cheese to be distributed, a YMCA official appeared and announced that there’d been an error in the newspaper. The cheese was not at the YMCA, but a few blocks away at the YWCA. The crowd broke into a run.

Mr. Kardong, enjoying a quiet, contemplative stroll, was surprised to find a sprinting mob coming at him. To avoid being trampled, he ran a short distance and turned into the first parking lot, which happened to be the YWCA. USDA cheeseMerely wanting to escape, he somehow ended up first in line, and was given two large bricks of cheese. A reporter covering the event wrote a front page story the next day vilifying Kardong for taking advantage of a program for the needy and as well, using his running ability to get to the front of the line. Kardong says, “I got a bum rap for that, but man, was that cheese good! I ate an entire brick as I walked home. I saved the other, and today it’s on display at the Bloomsday Hall of Fame.”

Inspired by the sprinting mob, Kardong started the Race for Surplus Cheese. Over time, a more dignified name was sought. Thus, Bloomsday.

Oh no, I’m Becoming a Woman

white legsThose really white legs shielded from sun since last year, which are now causing eye damage, were out in profusion last night at my running club’s 4.4-miler. A couple guys let me snap a photo of their legs, but their case is pretty mild compared to others. But it was white legs that got me realizing I’ve undergone a transformation.

It has been gradual and slow, but I’ve become around 50-55% female.

bathroom closetBesides sucking the color out of skin, winter sucks the moisture too. I used to never hydrate my skin, but now after showering, I do my legs, face and elbows without fail, in winter and summer. When I was married, I gently chided my wife about all the bottles of creams and lotions she had. Now I’m the one with a cupboard full of stuff.

My hair used to be so oily, I could wring it over a pan and use the oil for frying. Now my hair’s so dry, I have to use conditioner. and styling gel. I spend so much time in the bathroom that by definition, I’ve become a woman.

At least I long ago gave up one thing that most guys used back in the day – the blow-dryer.

Running Expert Pays Home Visit

SONY DSCMy friend, I.P. Aard, who works at the National Institute of Running Sciences, was at a conference in Seattle last weekend. She rearranged her return flight to spend a night in Spokane. It always makes me feel good when women go out of their way to spend time with me.

I never met I.P. in person, but we’ve talked on the phone a lot, and I’ve watched videos of her presenting at seminars. She’s considered a top expert in her field even though she’s only 33. She is very familiar with my work. She told me she was in the audience at a two-hour seminar I gave a year ago to a packed house in Denver demonstrating techniques to avoid getting hit by bird poop while running.

We went for a run in the morning with friends, and I snapped a picture of her, at right, afterward. I spent the rest of the day showing her around Spokane. In the evening, we hung out at my place, and watched the new romantic video, “I’ll Meet You at the Beach for an Interval Workout.”

“So, I.P., why do you go by your initials instead of first name?” I asked as we shared a Popsicle.

“People I met had a hard time remembering Isabella. When I discovered I.P. Aard is so similar to “I PR’ed”, I thought, I’m a runner—perfect. I’m going with that.”

“I’ve always wondered what’s going on with people’s names at the Institute,” I said. “Last week I was talking to Ayer, and he swears that’s his real name.”

“Ayer O’Beck? Why would you doubt it?”

“Come on, I.P. Ayer O’Beck? Aerobic?”

“You’re right. I never thought of that.” I.P. took the Popsicle from me and ate the last bit. “So, where am I sleeping tonight?”

“I have a spare bedroom across the hall from mine.”

I.P. sat back and folded her arms. “Spare bedroom….is that my only option?”

Running Group Thaws Out

Last Thursday was the first day this year warm enough to wear a short sleeve shirt to the Flying Irish run. The largest social running group in the United States, with thousands of members, several hundred show up every Thursday at 6:00 for a 3 to 4 mile run.Flying Irish post-run

Members above are enjoying a beer and socializing. but it wasn’t always like this. When the Flying Irish first formed, it was decided the post-run activity should be a philanthropic one that helped others and the community. This led to some late nights, demanding workloads, and stress. Below is a history of the Flying Irish’s activities:

  • Mar. 2006 to Aug. 2008 – Members repaired, washed, and ironed donated running shirts, running pants and other clothing to be distributed to needy runners.
  • Sept. 2008 to Sept. 2010- Sick and tired of working on laundry so many hours a week, the Flying Irish worked on a routine involving marching in formation, twirling flags, and doing synchronized leaps and spins to perform at events.
  • Sept. 2010 to Oct. 2010- Long nights of practices wore everyone out. A less demanding enterprise that provided two services was started. However, the homework help center for elementary students and an infectious disease quarantine unit, housed in the same building was a short-lived fiasco.
  • Oct. 2010 – Fed up members said, “Let’s just do something fun.” The change to post-run beer drinking and socializing led to increased enjoyment.

As I’ve mentioned, I discovered the woman I’m so enthralled by, Her Wonderfulness, Petra, has a boyfriend. I’m glad my female friend at the National Institute of Running Sciences, I.P. Aard, is flying in for a visit. I’ve been hoping she’ll help me out of my funk.

At the Manito Runners Club on Saturday, Petra showed up for the third week in a row. I talked very little to her, but as usual, she was extremely popular with the other guys.

After the post-run coffee, I went to the counter to return my cup and glanced back just as Petra exited. She looked back and in the meeting of our eyes, there was instant mutual happiness and interest. I’ve never had such an emotional impact with a simple exchange of glances. While driving home, I was amazed at the sudden turn in my mood. I was so happy.

Long Hair and Beard Slows Runner

SONY DSCBritt Davis, a fellow running club member pictured at right, told me he likes his long locks but is worried they might be a drag on his race times. With my connections at the National Institute of Running Sciences, he wanted me to inquire if this is true.

I told Britt that first of all, he needs to give up the hippie lifestyle. Smoking dope day and night while already sky high on multiple hallucinogens won’t produce fast times. He can’t even stay on course during our group runs, and whenever he catches sight of the nearby Spokane River, he jumps in to search for his mermaid soulmate.

“Jim, listen,” Britt said. “I don’t do drugs, and you’re making up the mermaid soulmate thing.”

Britt’s right. I’m prone to adding phony details to create drama. I apologized, pulled out my phone and called my friend, Dr. N. Terrville Wurkoutz at the Institute.

The Noggin Smoother

The Noggin Smoother

Dr. Wurkoutz says that any drag on speed is usually minimal. But if you’re competing at a high level, even minimal drag can be the difference between getting a gleaming five-foot tall trophy or a paltry runners-up ribbon the size of a Band-aid. He suggested the Noggin Smoother. It’s a new product made of a shrink wrap plastic/lycra blend that covers the head and plasters all your hair to the skin, creating a superb aerodynamic effect. It won’t impair your vision because it’s so thin you can see through it.

Britt was very excited about the chance of running some fast times. “Far out, man,” he said. “This is so groovy. The Noggin Smoother is so trippin’, dude. I’m buying one, and if my times don’t go way down, I’ll be bummmmed out.”

With that, Britt picked a flower, put it into his hair and strutted away.

Run Solo, Not With a Group

The best route to improving your running and making it more enjoyable is to run alone, says an article I recently read. I question this strategy, so I called my good friend, I.P. Aard, a researcher at the National Institute of Running Sciences in Washington, DC. I always enjoy calling I.P. because she’s so friendly.

“Hey, sugar loaf,” she said. “Putting lots of miles on that six-foot tower of muscle?”

I’m six feet tall, but I’m more a tower of bone and skin than muscle. I told her about the article and asked about any research the Institute has done on the topic.

“We’ve done plenty, oh caped wonder.” She told me running alone has theraputic benefits like the need for time alone, especially if it’s spent outdoors. In addition, there are convenience factors – running at your own pace, own route, and according to the whims of your schedule.

“I agree, sweet pea,” I replied. “But I ran track and cross-country, and I liked running with my teammates.”

“It’s a different story if you’re a competitive runner. Workouts with others who are close to your ability are very beneficial. But, of course, getting the benefits of running alone doesn’t mean you have to do it 100% of the time. And there are people who’re very social and group oriented – they would not thrive on a steady diet of solo running.”

“You know, buttercup,” I said, “You mentioned that you might make it out here at the end of summer. Is that plan still on?”

“Oh, listen to me, PR machine, I have a conference in Seattle next weekend. I was thinking of making a stopover in Spokane.”

“I’m clearing my schedule now,” I replied. “I hope when going out, you prefer the social benefit instead of going solo.”

“I really like the company of caped runners. They’re so…suuuper.”

I like I.P. Aard. She is my kind of woman.

The Cops Can’t Catch Me

It wouldn’t be pleasant if you found yourself being chased through the streets by the police. Unfortunately, I can see this happening to myself. My friends, glancing out the window, surely would think, “Gosh, what did Jim do?”

I read a blog post in Running is Funny about races across the country that have a cops chasing criminals theme, including one next weekend in Debary, Florida called the Jail Break 5K. Officers from law enforcement agencies start the race two minutes after the rest of the field. Their goal is to catch up to as many runners as possible, who are encouraged to dress as prisoners. The agency jailbreak runcatching up with the most earns extra donations that go to charity.

When I read this, I thought it was a pretty neat idea. However some issues have since come to mind.

First, real prisoners are always looking to get out of jail. But one of the biggest drawbacks is how not to look like a prisoner running away from a jailbreak. A community doing a jailbreak fun run provides perfect cover.

Second, law enforcement loves events like this. They come in droves because it’s a stress-relief, let’s have a little fun, we love to play around while raising money for our favorite charity kind of thing. But when guards at the jail tell the custodian to keep an eye on things while they’re “out for a while,” you know the prisoners take notice.

When the prisoners make their break, sprinting out of jail en masse, passers-by, who believe they’ve come across the race course inadvertently, cheer them on. A few texts, tweets, and Facebook posts later, the streets are lined with spectators rooting for them. Meanwhile, as the real race starts, the participants are saddened by the apparent lack of interest and are unmotivated to run hard because no one’s there to cheer them on.