Intriguing Lecture Event Scheduled

With the weather getting warmer, the bugs are coming out. This has motivated me to schedule a much anticipated lecture in which I talk about bugs I see while out running.

Some readers may recall I gave such a lecture several years ago, and you may be wondering why I’ve waited so long to schedule another. I apologize for the wait. To make up for it, besides my very detailed descriptions, I’m reserving time near the end of the five-hour event for participants to share their own bug sightings.

So start paying attention while you’re out running. Bug sightings can include just one bug or a whole swarm. I doesn’t matter if they’re airborne, scurrying about on the ground or just sitting there, motionless. Descriptions of dead bugs are also welcome.

Though I’ll limit my descriptions to sightings made only in the past year, I’m including information about the epic ant horde of 2022 that was so thick, you couldn’t see the very corner of my sidewalk in my backyard.

I’ve reserved a large space as I expect interest for this event to be intense. I urge attendees to make reservations quickly to guarantee a seat.

I’m sure after watching the friendly invitation in the below video, you’ll rush to make arrangements to attend my big, can’t miss, bug lecture.

“Come to my bug lecture. You’ll find it interesting and exciting!”

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