President Joe Biden is proposing a big spending bill to upgrade infrastructure. However, no attention is being shown to a very big community – runners.
I’ve taken up the cause for funding running tracks, running trails, running clubs and importantly, subsidies to bring down the cost of post-run beer for running club members.
I traveled to Washington, D.C. to try to get a meeting with Joe Biden to pitch what I call, “Get a Run for Your Money” economic stimulus and infrastructure improvement plan.
My first stop was the White House. I felt a huge and solemn duty embarking on this quest as a single individual representing all runners nationwide. There are so many hopes resting on my shoulders.

Unfortunately, an armed guard told me it wasn’t time for meeting Joe Biden. Instead it was time for me to leave.
Right after this I found out he was joining a meeting at the Capitol building and was scheduled to be there for just half an hour. I immediately set a hot pace for the Capitol.
When I reached the Capitol building, I swore I could see the President at a window looking out. I gave a wave.
It appeared he noticed me because he stayed at the window, watching. I was hoping he’d come to the Capitol entrance to accept “Get a Run for Your Money” documents I had in my satchel, and listen to my short spiel about how badly runners need funding.
Unfortunately, a team of armed guards stopped me short of the entrance. Again, they told me it was not time to meet Joe, and that it was time for me to leave. In exchange, I made them take the “Get a Run for Your Money” proposal to give to the President. They said they’d absolutely do it first chance they got.
It’s been a few days since I got back from D.C. I know the President’s a busy man, and my hopes for funding runners has slowly waned. I knew it was a long shot, but we runners are worth it.
Then something really, really special happened. Yesterday I received the below letter in the mail:
