I couldn’t understand what was going on when I checked the stats for the post Downside of Being Skinny which I thought I’d put up the day before. The date showed it was over a year old!

Bit by bit, I figured out what happened.
On September 30, 2019, I set out on a 12-mile run in my front yard wilderness area. I remember becoming very tired and sitting down to rest a moment. That moment turned into nearly 15 months.
When I awoke and came into the house, I was flummoxed, dumbfounded and befuddled. Why did I have a long beard, and how did I get so grungy? My living room door cam caught my entrance.

I went straight to my computer because I had wanted to check the stats first thing after my run. That’s when I saw the date and realized 15 months had somehow gone by. I checked my yard cam, and in this magnified image from August, I saw myself asleep in the front yard.

I went to the oldest file still available, last April, and there I am again, sleeping away. Looks like I changed positions from time to time.

There’s enough vegetation that neighbors and passers-by couldn’t make out there was a man sleeping on the ground. This has caused me to refer to myself as Rip Van Jimkle, a take on that famous forest sleepyhead, Rip Van Winkle.
A ravenous hunger struck, and I needed to eat. I fixed a quick meal and my kitchen cam caught me eating straight from the pan.

I’ve decided no more naps while running – I don’t want to go so long without doing a blog post.
I cut off my long beard and grungy locks and noticed how similar they were to moss. I don’t have any moss yet in my wilderness area, so I put them on a few trees. I think they add another level of wild to my wilderness area.