My public lecture is a huge success

A couple weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I gave a lecture, open to the public. It turned out very, very well.Jim's lecture2

The six-hour lecture event focused on insects I’ve seen while running. Not once was there any chatter or conversation among attendees as I spoke. It was obvious that everyone was very interested as I described the bugs I’ve seen flying around or crawling on the ground as I run past.

I sneaked a photo about halfway through, and I think because of the sheer wealth of information presented, the audience is trying to digest it all.Dave bored

In a different area of the lecture hall, I set up a table and a sign for attendees to get in line for autographs. The gentleman above, David Blythe, apparently forgot my mention of the post-lecture autograph session, but quickly got in line when I reminded him.Jim autograph line (1)

After getting my autograph he rushed out with nary a good-bye.

I couldn’t help beaming as I sat at my little autograph table. When people rush away, obviously intent on getting home to put the autograph in a secure, safe spot, I can’t help but be proud.

With this success, I scheduled another lecture, this one eight hours, entitled, “Descriptions of Jim’s many t-shirts acquired from entering races over the years.”

I suggest making arrangements now to ensure you get a seat.