Eat Your Way to a PR

Eating whatever you want is a freedom many runners enjoy, but if you want to fine-tune your body into a PR-producing machine, you should follow the guidelines of the SNARP program.

The diet choice of many Olympians and top-rated runners, SNARP (Strategic Nourishment And Replenishment Program), was devised after years of extensive research and trial and error by Jim Johnson of Spokane, Washington.

SNARP is rated best diet regimen by the Society of Noteworthy Urban Running Professionals (SNURP). Since 2007, SNURP has been recommending SNARP for all serious runners.

Jim Johnson. creator of the SNARP diet, at the training table enjoying a post run meal.

Jim Johnson. creator of the SNARP diet, at the training table enjoying a post-run meal.

The SNARP program relies on heavy consumption of carbohydrate-laden fruits, vegetables and legumes, which in the correct combination, provide adequate complete proteins. With only slight alterations, it can be made gluten-free.

Recently a group of dietary specialists started their own nutrition plan for runners called Sensible Nutrition – Outstanding Running Performance (SNORP). By using a similar acronym, they hope to siphon away runners seeking the well-regarded SNARP diet. Don’t be snookered! Even the urban professional running organization SNURP says, “SNARP’s snazzy and snappy creator Jim is far more knowledgeable than the sneaky snobs at SNORP.”

Beware; very odd side effects result from using SNORP. It adversely affects the nasal passages, causing very loud breathing noises. It also causes allergic reactions. I recently spoke to a member of a running club in Denver, Colorado that had adopted SNORP’s diet plan. Here’s what he had to say:

“Everyone’s in a snit. Like a bunch of pigs with a cold, we snort and sneeze from the beginning of our run to the end, and it just won’t stop. People snicker at us. We’re snubbed by other runners. We’re giving up SNORP.”

It’s okay to sneer at SNORP’s program. It’s one big dietary snafu. Instead, catch a snippet of Jim Johnson’s great diet plan at You’ll snuff out mediocrity and get a sniff of being a true champion.

2 thoughts on “Eat Your Way to a PR

  1. I must comment on SNARP as the writer here has obviously got his mind on Petra’s backside. From direct previous observation, Jim takes too big of bites, say an apple, then immediately runs, resulting in a chunky expectoration of his just consumed carbohydrate/protein complex. Not recommended, especially in the running company of the lovely Petra.

    • A good point – I definitely don’t want to expectorate carbohydrate/protein complex chunks in front of Petra. Your spot-on observation shows me you have enormous dietic/expectorant talent. I’m having the SNARP board look into hiring you as a consultant.

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