Greeting other runners

When you see another runner approaching, what options are there for acknowledging him or her, or should you even acknowledge? You may think this is a trivial issue, however it’s vitally important.

A runner who looks like they don’t want to be bothered, or is focusing on a fast pace obviously should not be greeted. For all others, there are several greeting styles available.

A friendly nod is often the best way to go.

Jim nodding

If you’re running in a rural area where cowboy values hold true, a tip of the hat and a friendly “Howdy” will earn you points.

Jim tipping hat

If you cross paths with that runner who sprinted madly past you at the very end of last week’s 5K race and knocked you out of an age-group award, this is appropriate.

Jim sneer

Some runners out there are just so friendly, smiley, and nice that you absolutely have to reciprocate.

Jim waving

If you happen to run through a neighborhood where gangs rule, random finger positioning like below will show that you’re one of them.

Jim gangsign

If you happen to cross paths with a very beautiful woman, don’t be shy or subdued. Show her how you feel.

Jim happy

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